Here are ten things you didn’t wish were true about me;
* I can suck my finger for Africa. Now before you scream, I dropped the baton at SS1 when I went to the hostel. Senior cant be seen sucking her finger at 13 now kai! Proper dishi. But trust me I was a pro. I could suck my finger all day and not eat anything. That was my comfort.
* I have been in love 2ce in my life and the last being of recent. I count myself lucky but shame I fell for unsuitable men.
* I gave my life to Christ on January 4 2001 but have since back slidden abi weytin be the correct word. I still love God though.
* I pray more in tongues than actual words. I can never seem to get actual words out right but I could pray in tongues for hours and hours until I fall into trans. Oh yes…trans. The few times I've had private moments I always seem to find myself in some place I cant explain and when I come to, life couldn’t be better.
* I have never seen my father but I have some memories of him, how that's possible I don’t know. Maybe in my previous life sha.
* I've had sex in a public pool. Ehn…public pool in the full glare of people in broad day light. I didn’t come though.
* People see me as an efiko but I actually never came first in school well until the last term in SS3 when everyone else was concentrating on WAEC. I then sat for my WAEC and failed Maths and English. Duh! How do you reconcile that?
* I don’t know if I wanna get married or have kids but I feel I would only do it when and if I meet the right person which I fear I may not. God help me.
* I feel like I need a shrink to unlock some of my anxieties and confront some demons but I so hate to be vulnerable that I feel am just gonna die one day with all my burden on my shoulders.
* There was a time I really fancied kissing a girl but not anymore after a horrible experience I had. Please don't ask me.
Now am passing this on to 18andabove, Kmplx, H20, AnyaPosh, Kush, Ms Sula and Mizchif and these you must do to accept your award
1.You must brag about it
2.You must include the name of the blogger who bestowed the award on you and link back to the blogger
3.You must choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. 4.Show their names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog.
5.List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself. Then pass it on!
And did I brag yet?…yeyeyeyeyeyeye don’t hate me cos am hotter than you.
Have a good week everyone.